It's been a hot minute since I've posted here at Hyperdivergent. I won't bore you with my grief over a car that died, the horrors of hypercalcemia, and the misery of sick grandchildren. But, some things did counteract those misfortunes, including no payments for a tag or car insurance (I have yet to replace my car), a great holiday season with my family, and the ability to finally begin to take charge of my blogs at Google Blogger. It’s like building the Great Pyramids one document and blog post at a time…
The blogs are quickly coming into focus, now that OpenSrs techs resolved the CNAME issues. Additionally, Google AdSense is becoming a reality for some of the blogs, but not all at this point because I don't have enough content on some of the domains. I wanted to stay with Google Blogger because it's free, and that's a great price when I'm experimenting. Also, Google Blogger is tight with Google AdSense (I wonder why!). So I'm getting that process going as well. AdSense is touchy about content, both the quantity and the quality, and I don't have enough of either attribute at some sites yet to push that portion of my project forward.
I also designed logos for all the sites and those bits are up now. Some affiliate connections are in place as well, so I am beginning to add affiliate links to some sites. Finally, I decided on a theme for the blog layouts and I'm using the same one for each site except one at this point, mainly to make life easy. Here's a list of the blogs and a progress report on each one:
Hyperdivergent: If you’re reading this post, then you are already where I push a newsletter about my progress in developing digital assets. I finally crafted a Privacy Policy for all the sites, and I added one to this site as well. I also created a disclaimer, and I've added it to the "About" section here and I'm adding it to the blogs below. The Terms and Conditions document is in the works.
Cancer, Caregiving, and Contentious Love: I had an "ah-ha!" moment at Christmas. I realized the book I wanted to write about taking care of my mother during her struggle with cancer was already written. I had gratitude lists and Facebook posts preserved from 2012-2014, the years between diagnosis of her cancer and her demise. I'm pulling those notes together on a daily basis, and posting some of the information at this site now. Nice to have some progress to wake up to in the morning. Yes, it may take a bit more than a year to pull it all together, but I've been depressed about not writing this book for a decade, so I'm patient now.
Goin' Gardening: I neglected to post here once I lost my car and gardening season was winding down here. I was in a bit of a gardening funk. But, now I have fresh ideas and I'm posting again. Within a month I should be able to approach AdSense about this site.
Goin' Poetic: If you go here, please go only to admire the site and the logo, as I have no clue what I'm doing here at the moment.
Joanne's Recipes: This site also will gain some traction this month as I begin to add my mother's recipe cards and posting about those additions at the Facebook page where I have at least 8,500 followers. It's a work in progress, just like all the other sites, and I don't mind if readers see the partial progress.
Virgeneology: As with Goin' Poetic, please go only to admire the site and the logo. I do, however, know what to do here, so content development will happen soon.
Plan.It Goin: This site was and is a bit of an understatement, but it's going to eventually be a platform to sell digital planners that I'm designing. The name was just fun. I also have the domain,, so I'll be using that one to redirect to the blog. Unlike Hyperdivergent, I focus more on my special interests here than I do on digital assets. I can't believe I've had this site for over a decade. Brushing it off is easy. Getting Google to recognize it is more difficult. I many have to change the template, since I didn’t touch it for ten years.
Domain Names
All but four of my thirty domain names for sale are live and available at after going through their sixty-day "cooling off" period. I had so much fun creating the names and while some of them are silly, others are quite brilliant, I think. No nibbles yet, but the name that has garnered the highest rate of attention is "personalbankingpro" dot com. You can see a public list of my domains for sale here. The traffic stinks, but I’m patient, and the numbers on this page don’t reflect what I see on my dashboard, which is interesting. A good portion of them went “live’ just last week.
HELP! Genealogists!
I do have one request for readers who have a genealogy Substack newsletter...I am developing categories at to help me remember some of the tools and resources I might use for various topics. I started to add Substack Genealogy Blogs and Newsletters, but my focus is scattered when it comes to pulling these tools together for people to follow.
If you have a genealogy Substack newsletter, please comment with:
Your URL
Your Substack Newsletter name
Your name
Your focus
Your credentials
I'll be more than happy to change any information on the sites I've already added and to add your site if it's missing. I appreciate your help!
Oh, and Happy Belated 2025. Be sure to give to your favorite charities, because plenty of folks need help right now, both here and abroad.
You sound very busy